This week involved presentations and readings regarding the problem/opportunities that our organization was experiencing. The readings were important because it involved understanding how to construct User Journey Maps, Storyboards, and Image Boards (and in class learned Mood boards). I was very familiar with all the concepts except the User Journey Maps. A user journey map is a visual of the experiences people have when interacting with a product/service. This was hard to portray in our organization at first because we didn’t have a product designed for them. However we worked with their opportunity in transportation instead. This is what the user journey map looks like for the Vietnamese Friendship Association.
team_starforce_solution.jpgteam_starforce_problem.jpgWhen we presented the rough draft to the class, the feedback we received suggested that our interactions weren’t actually interactions. So we touched it up during our Google Hangouts and successfully made the changes. The next steps for our group is to purchase the gift basket for the organization. We wanted to buy this gift basket to show our appreciation since the organization graciously offered their time to help us. As a group member, this weekend was a struggle for me because of my extra curricular activities regarding the Vietnamese Student Association. The assignments are now due on Saturday night, which is a struggle for me because Saturdays are usually the time for club events. So I don’t have the time to join the google hangouts. The next steps for me are to prioritize my schedule so that I can contribute more to our future projects.